Wysiwash Cleaning System
PEM® Slip Resistant Flooring is often subjected to tough environments such as heavily used locker rooms and playground surfaces. As part of our commitment to providing easy-to-clean flooring and mats, we offer the Wysiwash system, a handheld, low pH chlorine generator that operates on any standard garden hose. This patented chlorine delivery system used with solid calcium hypochlorite caplets (EPA registered), literally turns water into magic. Just attach the Wysiwash to any garden hose end, point, and spray the area targeted for cleaning. Your job is completed and concerns are washed away without any additional cleanup or rinsing!
The Wysiwash Sanitizer is not only a hose-end sprayer, it is a precisely calibrated, scientifically designed and tested, patented sanitizing system.
- Effectively cleans, sanitizes, and eliminates odors while blasting away dirt with a jet stream of water.
- Hydro-injection venturi system produces a solution of hypochlorous acid that is up to 120 times more effective than liquid bleach.
- Safe to use on PEM® Slip Resistant Flooring.
- Costs less than a penny per gallon.
- So easy to use that you will sanitize more often with increased effectiveness.
PEM® Surface Creations recommends Wysiwash for the tough to clean areas of your facility. High traffic areas may need a little extra care. Weather and environment conditions may also require extra maintenance.

To request more information about the WYSIWASH System, simply fill out our contact form or give us a call at 800.783.2358.